Αrchitectural Engineer NTUA, ΜSc Virtual Environments UCL
Certified Member at the Technical Chamber of Greece (T.E.E.) Chartered practice Architect at the Greek Architects Association (S.A.D.A.S.) Registered at the Building Audit National Registry and the Energy Audit National Registry
S/N TEE: 95255, S/N Building Audit: 1747
2003 / BArch in Athens Architecture School National Technical University of Athens
2004 / MSc Virtual Environments, The Bartlett School of Architecture, U.C.L. (now renamed as MSc Adaptive Architecture and Computation)
2001 / Εrasmus Semester ΤU Delft
Past work experience includes a variety of Architectural Design projects:
- Furniture design and Refurbishment
- Concept, Design and Construction Design of Houses, Shops
- Development and Landscape Design
- Master Plan Coordination
- Building Permit
- Building Supervision
In the past she has collaborated with the architecture firms: Dolihos Meletiki Ltd, Ergon Meletitiki Ltd, Studio 75 – St. Pantos Kikkos as well as the architects Sotiris Tsergas, Athanasopolis and WE Design – F. Fotiadis.
She has been honored with awards in Architectural Competitions and Innovation Competitions and has participated in multiple Architecture Exhibitions. In the past she had one the first blogs written in the Greek language posting texts on Architecture provoking the reader to engage with this subject. Her projects and essays have been published in the press & a couple of interviews aired in the media.
She works mainly with the construction companies Dektor SA, & Οsiris S.A. and a group of Civil, Mechanical Engineers and Topographers.
She is married, has a child and lives in Athens.